Book your stay online
Do you want to prepare your stay as efficiently and safely as possible? We advise that you book your accommodation and activities.
Hotels, guest houses or lodges: find the perfect accommodation for you by browsing our offers.
Buy your tickets for activities, recreational sites and museums too! Choose in just a few clicks!
Restaurants and regional products
From pleasant little restaurants to culinary hot spots, the Explore Meuse region boasts a wide variety of restaurants. Find something that suits you quickly. Craft beers, wine, escargots and more – the local region has lots of produce, so there’s something for everyone! Sample our specialities and meet the artisans!
Sights and jewels to visit in Namur, Dinant and the surrounding areas
Explore Meuse is a dynamic region with a wide range of activities. In addition to all the water-based activities, you can visit our castles and fortresses, not to mention the two citadels in Namur and Dinant, which are well worth the detour just for their spectacular views.
Walking, hiking, and sports in Namur and Dinant
The Explore Meuse region is a haven for hikers, thanks to more than 2,000 kilometres of sign-posted trails! You can also opt for unusual outings in tuk-tuks, scooters, rail bikes, Vespas or even rent a boat! Adventurers and thrill-seekers can enjoy nautical activities, sports or extreme sports.