The 5 guardians of the shield : The lost medallion of Falaën

An exciting quest in the footsteps of a medallion with magical powers that will finally bring together two former lovers. Midona takes you on a timeless adventure!

Duration of the game: 1.30 - For all ages - Possible to make the game with a stroller.

The 5 guardians of the shield are 5 free apps to download. To play, download Legendary Adventures, when downloaded, choose the 5 guardians of the shields and then the city of your choice: Dinant, Yvoir, Hastière, Falaën or Anhée (10 km bike route on the ravel between Warnant and Montaigle for the latter).

Extra infos

Possible all year

English English French French Dutch Dutch





Try des Bruyères
B-5522 Falaën (Onhaye)
50.27438 4.7977 11
Language(s) English Language(s) French Language(s) Dutch