Centre d’héritage des Sœurs de Notre-Dame de Namur

Welcome to the "virtual" Heritage Centre of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The physical center, dedicated in June, 2012 is located in Namur, Belgium.

The Centre offers periods of reflection and discussion on the life of Saint Julie and her spirituality for parishioners, alumna, associates, school administrators, teachers, staff and students. If you or a group is interested in visiting the Heritage Centre to get to know Julie, her spirituality and educational ideals or to spend some quiet, reflective time, contact the Heritage Center

Extra infos

Ouvert toute l’année

– du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 13h à 16h. Visites guidées sur demande.

– WE, jours fériés et groupes sur réservation

French French