Discover Hastière as a family with our fun, offline game!
Would you like to spend some quality time with your family while discovering Hastière's treasures? Pick up your game at the OTH office and set off on an adventure!
The game starts directly from the OTH, about 5.6 km along the way. Designed for young and old alike, it offers a fun, unplugged and immersive experience to explore the city in an original way. Enjoy an outdoor activity that combines discovery, fun and relaxation.
A small reward awaits children on arrival to round off this wonderful adventure!
Available in 3 languages: French, Dutch and English, this game is accessible to all. Don't miss this unique opportunity to spend an unforgettable moment in Hastière.
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De 10h à 13h et de 13h30 à 17h sauf le dimanche
B-5540 Hastière (Hastière)